

August 1, 2016

Chapter 5 (Marketing):

The one and only official program for all Broadway shows, Playbill, has undergone its first design change since it introduced color covers and other changes 40 years ago. It's a minor change - no borders around the show's logo cover page. 

Chapter 6 (Tony Awards):

The summer blues/post Tony Awards has seen the closing of nominated musicals Shuffle Along and Bright Star, along with earlier than expected closings of American in Paris, Finding Neverland, and the revival of Motown, the Musical. There will also be another 5 shows from the previous season that will be gone by early September. This is not unusual and there are plenty of new shows awaiting available theatres. MINIMUM UNION WEEKLY SALARY UPDATES AS OF AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2016 (Note: The Business of Broadway was published in the summer of 2015 and lists rates through summer 2016.)Each year, negotiated salary increases go into effect for each of Broadway's unions. This year, some of the union agreements needed to be renegotiated as well. Here's a summary of the new salaries and fees. This MINIMUMs do not include vacation pay (8.5% in ATPAM etc.) nor health and pension benefits which are paid on top of the minimum salaries. There is nothing that prevents someone from asking for more than minimum pay, but unless you're a well-known director etc., there is little chance that you will be paid above minimum. Each union has additional pay increments for special duties, including sweeping the stage (stagehands), understudying multiple roles (actors), playing more than one instrument (musicians) and so forth. 

Chapter 14: Press Agents $2216.14 + vacation & benefits 

Chapter 15: Actors (plus benefits)Actor: $1,974Stage Manager: $3,244 for a musical; $2,788 for a playFirst Assistant Stage Manager: $2,563 for a musical; $2,279 for a playSecond Assistant Stage Manager: $2,142 for a musicalDance Captain increment: $394.80Principal role understudy: $53.00Media Fee: $39.49 

Chapter 16: (Local One Stagehands) $2,216.32 + benefitsThere are also newly negotiated rules governing the kind of work that a PINK CONTRACT stagehand may do. 

Chapter 17: Directors and Choreographers and Designers$68,365 plus benefits - combined fee and royalty advance for a director of a musical;$56,826 plus benefits - combined fee and royalty advance for a choreographer of a musical;$125,190 plus benefits - combined fee and royalty advance for a director/choreographer of a musical;$58,955 plus benefits - combined fee and royalty advance for a director of a play.United Scenic Artists updated fees, royalties etc. are too complex to list here. 

Chapter 18: Company and House Managers $2,062.29 + vacation & benefits 

Chapter 19: Ushers, Ticket Takers & Doorpersons$440.24 plus benefits for a weekly usher (8 shows)$620.68 plus benefits for a head usher$631.01 plus benefits for a ticket taker
